>इन्फोसाइंटिस्ट ने देश, देशवाशियों, दुनिया, All Country's Government & Forbes Billionaires को अपनी ४९ साल की रिसर्च द्वारा १ ट्रिलियन डॉलर्स तथा असीमित अवसर पैदा करने की दी गारंटी<

We are carrier & instrumental to produce $ 1 Trillion Dollars & Unlimited Opportunities to you and your Company  / Organization / Government by applying our 49 years research. Contd... to see more at 'Master Message' below...
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Welcome to $ 1 Trillion Dollars Valued intellectual property & 49 years research admired & recommended by:
Former President of India
Honourable Pratibha Patil

Please Call, Chat or Video talk with us on Mobile & Whatsapp:
Infoscientist Nawal Kumar Roongta (Kolkata, India) : +91-9323757275, +91-033-31532227

For more info, Please must click wherever you see the link ...

An Emergency, Urgent & Important Master Message for your Kind Attention & Quick Action

>Must Read Master Message below with 100% Trust & Belief<

I am carrier & instrumental to produce $ 1 Trillion Dollars & Unlimited Opportunities to you and your Company  / Organization / Government by applying my 49 years research. Honestly & strongly I wish to say... It is not spam or scam; instead, 100% guaranteed & ruled out to be true; and endorsed by President of India, Celebrities and Press & Media. I am set to donate / share / deliver ownership of $ 1 Trillion Dollars valued intellectual property to a Billionaire / Government / Corporate company with or without investment. So, therefore, either you yourself are a corporate Leader/Company or else you introduce to a corporate Leader/Company; in both case, I will officially & legally give you and your introduced company 5% to 74% ownership in net profit of my company. Thanks. Regards. Goodluck & All the Best. Please let me know your questions, doubts & reservations; So that I can satisfy you 100%.
I am ready to give acid test to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere.
Please continue to view 18 webpages slideshow below...

World's 1 & only


Shri Narendra Modi

World's 1 & only Infoscientist invites attention of...
>Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi & All Country's Government Head
>Top Billionaire Mr. Elon Musk & all other Billionaires
to produce them
$ 1 Trillioooooooooooon Dollars & unlimited opportunities
and make them World's 1st Trillionaire.

 Its 100% Guaranteed & Ruled out !

Mr. Elon Musk

Invited for... No cost No risk...
49 years researched $ 1 Trillion Dollars valued & worth intellectual property for
 Collaboration / Alliance / Tie-up / Joint Venture / Acquisition.

Looking for... Founder, Promoter, CEO, Managing Director & President

Please feel free and don't hesitate to tell us your questions, doubts & reservations so that we can satisfy you 100%.

Summary, Synopsis & Overview:
I am world's 1 & only Infoscientist recognized by Google. I live in Kolkata with my family. I am 67 years old. I am Founder of 50 years old research & development organization Universal Government. I have 49 years of research, knowhow & disruptive innovation endorsed by President of India, Celebrities & Media. It has all the ingredients & power to produce $ 1 Trillion Dollars & unlimited opportunities to 7 billion People and presenting company. I hereby sharing this research with you @ no cost with all secrets without disclosure price. I wish to deliver this research & know-how to Government of India or any Country's Government or a corporate company @ no cost or conditions. I am very passionate of it. I don't want to die with this research. This is my last wish. Please adopt me & my research now before this is too late or you miss the bus. For more detailed info, you are encouraged and recommended to see summary & overview in 18 slides presentation continued below. If you are interested, then please whatsapp, call & contact me to discuss further right now before this is too late or you miss the bus. Alternatively you are invited to tell us as to how you would like to collaborate with us? We have all options open. Thanks. Infoscientist Nawal Roongta, Founder-Chairman, Universal Government, Kolkata, India 01/2025 For your any question, doubt or reservation, feel free to reach me & discuss at my Mobile/Whatsapp +91 9323757275 I am ready to give acid test to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere.
No-Cost-No-Risk  Collaboration proposal & offer
We are glad to share/deliver/donate...

1) Co-Founder & Honorary President of our organization Universal Government
2) Share100% of 49 years researched $1 Trillion Dollar valued & powered intellectual property
3) Share100% of Prototype
Ownership equity stake 5% to 74% in the company with or without investment after 15 days review.
View more details at Table


Universal Government, Kolkata, India
A Research & Development Organization Since 50 years

(Universal Network of all info and 7 billion People &Businesses )

"Connecting... Every pair of 7 billion People & Businesses with their perfect match for their all needs & requirements @ Right time @ Right place @ Lightning speed"

Research & know-how ready about Global Social Network of 7 billion People & Businesses

Summary & Synopsis presented in this presentation in 18 slides
To produce... $ 1 Trillion Dollars & unlimited opportunities to the presenting company as-well-as to 7 billion People by applying... 49 years of researched disruptive innovation & know-how and making a social media search engine, website & app.

For immediate kind attention & addressed to:
Wish to deliver $ 1 Trillion Dollars valued intellectual property @ no cost to:

(i)   The President & Prime Minister of India
(ii)  All Countries' Government Head
(iii) Shri Mukesh Ambani & All Corporate Companies' Head
(iv) Leading News Channels, Newspapers, Press & Media
(v)  Forbes Midas Investors
(vi) Elon Musk & All Billionaires
(vii)Everyone at Forbes Lists Directory

My Passion, Last wish & 100% Guarantee Ruled out !
I am world's 1 & only Infoscientist recognized by Google. I live with my wife & daughter in Kolkata City of India. I am 67 years old. My last wish is to share my 49 years researched disruptive innovation & know-how with all Government and corporate company; create database of 7 billion People & Businesses on social media platform. I'm instrumental to produce $ 1 Trillion dollars & unlimited opportunities. I am very passionate of it. Please adopt me & my research now before this is too late or you miss the bus. I don't want to die with this research. This is my last wish. Please call & message me at Mobile or Whatsapp now.

For interview to News Channels, Newspapers, Magazines, Press & Media, Please Call or Message at Whatsapp +91 9323757275

If  you  call  and  discuss  with  me,  and ask your questions, doubts & reservations, then  I guarantee 100% to produce $ 1 Trillion Dollars & unlimited opportunities. This is my firm commitment & finally ruled out !

Infoscientist Nawal Kumar Roongta
Universal Government
Registered Office
Giriraj Palace, 1st Floor
Bangur Park, Rishra 712248
Hooghly, West Bengal, India
Whatsapp & Mobile: +91 9323757275
Landline Phone: +91 033 31532227

Corporate Office
68 Burtolla Street, 2nd & 3rd Floor,
Burra Bazar, Kolkata - 700007, India

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