निकनेम / NickName > Infoscientist
प्रथम व मध्यम नाम / 1st & Middle Real Name
सरनेम Last Name/Surname
शहर / देश / City / Country

Nawal Kumar  

Kolkata /  India

वर्तमान प्रोफेशन (विवरण सहित)
Current Profession (with details)
> Chief Promoter-Founder-Chairman Universal Government
Infoscientist Nawal Kumar इन्फोसाइंटिस्ट नवल कुमार (@Infoscientistnk) / Twitter

> This is...

Click anywhere on the image below to play the Video of 1971 Film Anand


Film ANAND above and the dialogue below which inspired me to research for 47 years.
Now, its ready with an invention to produce $ 1 Trillion
and unlimited opportunities for 7 billion People

> This is...
WHAT   I   LOOK   FOR...

I have 47 years researched intellectual property and invention that has
all ingredients & power
to produce
$ 1 Trillion & Unlimited Opportunities for
7 billion People
by making a website
& mobile application on social media platform.
*More info at:


as Promoter
Business Partner
with or 

लिंग / Gender >


गौत्र / Gautra


जन्म तारीख व स्थान / Birth Date
(or Month & Year) with Birth Place / Home Town 

28 October 1955  / Bagar Village, District Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India
{* Incidentally the above date is also the Birth Date of Mr. Bill Gates}

माता का नाम / Mother's Name >

Pana Devi Roongta

पिता का नाम
/ Father's Name


Prahlad Rai Roongta
दादा का नाम / GrandFather Name >

Basantilal Roongta

दादी का नाम
/ GrandMotherName


Manbhari Roongta
विवाहित या अविवाहित, पति / पत्नी का नाम (तथा बच्चे)
Marital Status, Spouse Name (and Children)
  Married (1979)  *Wife - Saroj Roongta
1 Daughter -
 Shraddha Roongta
शिक्षा / Education > ---Higher Secondary from Himaytul Gurba High School, Kankinara, 24 Paragnas, West Bengal, India
---B. Com from Rishi Bankim Chandra College, Naihati, West Bengal, India
अनुभव / Experience > ---50 years experience in
People & Businesses Networking, World Network,
Contact Management, Sales, Marketing,
जीवन का स्वप्न और मनोकामना
Life Dream & Ambition
> To produce $ 1 Trillion & Unlimited Opportunities by making a social media website & mobile application and serve the 7 billion People to make their Life 25% more better, healthier, happier & prosperous by technology.
टॉप 3 प्राथमिकताएं / Top 3 (or more) Priorities of Life, Career & Business > -Investor for my 47 years researched knowhow
-Groom for my Daughter preferably from computer or software background -who also know web designing
मुख्य कौशल व दिलचस्पी / Skills & Interests > Global Networking, Contact Management
प्रिय व पसंदीदा / Most Favorites
Color, Book, Movie, Song, or anything else
> *Color: Pink *Books: How to succeed; Think & Grow Rich *Movies: Anand, Safer, Mera Naam Joker, Deewana *Song: Many. One of is... "Jab Jab Jo Jo Hona Hai; Tab Tab So So Hota Hai"
प्रिय उद्धरण  / My Most Favorite Quotes >

(1) Dark is nothing but the absence of Light; Death is nothing but the absence of Life.
(2) There is actually no existence of negatives; Its all absence of positives. So, always believe in POSITIVES at all spheres & every step of Life.

समग्र संछिप्त सार  / Overall Brief Summary
>> About Life, Career & Business

Life is a beautiful & most precious gift from Supreme Being & Nature for a very short period. Live every moment to its fullest with joy and love, co-operate & help People as far as you can without any conditions or expectations.

ऐसे ३ व्यक्ति जिनसे आप अपने जीवनकाल में मिलना चाहते हैं ?
Top 3 People with whom you wish to meet & get introduced ?
> (1) Larry Page - Founder Google
(2) Mohammad Yunus
(3) Bill Gates
आप जिन्हें इंट्रोडूस कर सकते हैं ?
You can introduce to...?
> Introduce to Person(s) in my Network.
आप लोगों को "रुपये पैसे को छोड़ कर"  क्या मदद कर सकते हैं ? What you can help with to all other Members (Except Money) ..? > Training... about Time Management
Training... how to better use and search the best of Internet
आप लोगों से "रुपये पैसे को छोड़ कर" क्या मदद चाहते हैं ?
What help
(Except Money) you want from Members?


Introduce & connect with resourceful & powerful Person(s).
भाषायें जो आप जानते हैं ? / Languages > Rajasthani (Marwadi), Behari, Bengali, Urdu, Hindi, English
अवार्ड / सर्टिफिकेट / सन्मान
Honor, Award, Accolades, Certification, Endorsements
> (1) Endorsed by Google as... "World's 1 & only Infoscientist by Google" (2) 47 years research appreciated & recommended by Former President of India Honorable Pratibha Patil
(3) Author of 4 Books:-
Life & Death / Jiwan Mrityu (Philosophy) Life & Death /Jindagi aur Mout (Poetry & Shayri) /Lifewires of Health & Happiness (Health) /The simple & supreme secret of Time & Life (Time Management) (4) Research, Interview & Articles appeared in leading newspapers, press & media
वेबसाइट / Website(s)


> www.universalgovernment.one
ऐसी कोई बात जो आप विशेष रूप से कहना चाहें /
या जिसका इस प्रोफाइल में समावेश नहीं है  Anything else that is not covered in this profile, you wish to specially mention about..?
> Wants to tell lot of things which will take minimum 100 hours. So, to know all about in detailed & depth, please see my entire website content at: www.universalgovernment.one/research_secrets.htm
Presentation in 18 slides
Presentation of $ 1 Trillion Dollars worth intellectual property
वर्तमान पत्ता
Present Address with nearest landmark
> 68, Burtolla Street, 2nd & 3rd Floor
Landmark: State Bank of India, Burra Bazar Branch.
राज्य / State / Province >

State: West Bengal

गांव / शहर / Village / City


देश  / Country >

Country: India

पोस्टकोड / Postcode





