points in Life need not be left to fate or blind faith in destiny, but
can be consciously made to occur by people in this era of Internet and
information technology
- says an Infoscientist, Inventor & Dreamer. The City-based Analyst
Nawal Kumar Roongta has drawn up a blueprint of a prospective personal
profile database of all persons on earth.
The idea of such a databank is to be able to provide a realistic basis
for putting people in touch with their respective constantly ticking
away,’ he told PTI. Why should there be only a ‘who’s who’ of important
people? Why is it necessary that thoughts and views of only world famous
personalities are recorded and published? Contemplating these questions,
the analyst has come up with the idea of forming a ‘www. Internet Global
Index.com’ which would be a forum to facilitate interaction between
people all over the world in terms of their ideas, philosophies and at a
practical level business concepts. People meeting for the first time are
strangers to one another and considerable time is lost before they get
to know and understand one another, notes Mr. Roongta. The globalisation
process in future should encompass not only business and commerce but
the realm of idea and intellectual property as well, he says. Keeping
this in mind, ‘www. Internet Global Index.com & www.Global Citizens
index.com hopes to bridge these gaps through constantly updated research
to compile a personal databank similar to a modern day ‘encyclopaedia’
that lists people, their idea and practices. Every sector, notably
Global corporate giants with resources, should voluntarily contribute
inputs for the
databank. Since genetically, every person on earth has a unique
character and behavioral pattern, it is important to record each
person’s thoughts and aspirations as a common resource of mankind to be
tapped for human welfare in general, he feels. However, every person has
the right to seek protection for her or his intellectual property.
Citing an instance, he points out that a marketing idea for a
multinational can sometimes emanate from a common man or a roadside
vendor rather than from high management echelons. How to protect the
ideas of people and ensure that they get a fair compensation for their
creative intelligence ? Roongta has conceived and practically tested &
implemented a constructive role for ‘www.Internet Global Index. com’ in
safeguarding the creative ideas of people, especially in India where
intellectual property rights have not been guaranteed by the
constitution. A global personal databank and Global Business Database is
possible if every sector collects data so as to connect the right people
in the right place at the right time. A side-benefit of such a databank
would be its value to crime investigators, he says. |

Free Press Journal
The Sunday Interview By
Nishantnl Josson SPECIAL
Sunday, April 30,1995
Infoscientist Nawal Kumar Roongta is
a multidimensional personality -Infoscientist, Database Researcher,
Analyst, Inventor and above all a Dreamer. He plans to compile the
identity of every individual on Internet, which will serve as a common
platform for instantaneous communication among all. He has spent 25
years of his life in pursuit of this aim.
What motivated
you to spend 25 years of your life to achieve this single goal of world
database of business and people !? When I was 15 years old, I saw the
Hindi film Anand directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee in Calcutta. In that
film Rajesh Khanna had the habit of contacting any stranger just by
assuming any name Rajesh Khanna called everybody a transmitter, which
picks up vibrations and reflects it back, His having made friends with a
complete stranger stood him in good stead later on in his (Khanna’s)
life. At this time I had an idea which I was unable to express , then,
However, a few years later, I came to Bombay myself with very limited
sources to meet the characters of the film. After six to seven months,
my money was really exhausted and I thought there was no alternative but
to go back to Calcutta But on the eve of my departure I was launched by
my conscience for not having taken any concrete steps towards my goal. I
come across a tableau which said, ‘All your friends were strangers
before they met.’’ Although for many these wards would not have had any
effect, for me the reaction was tremendous At last,
I had found the best way to
express what I felt I happened to be walking past an unknown commander
at Navy Nagar. I addressed him and managed to get a servant quarters
provided and I brought my wife along with me In this way I conceived and
believed in Why a directory of every person on the earth? It is not
right that only the who’s who among the celebrity and elite class should
earn recognition should be for all What we believe is that the concept
of Yellow Pages is a body without a soul. For it is categorized only for
the industries and organizations. Every individual together makes the
body of the industry. Therefore, every individual should be considered,
without which it will have a soul. What we ultimately aim at is to asses
the complete profile in 200 parameters (every parameter has a sub- cub)
of 4000 million people. (80 percent of the world population.) Through a
satellite wireless network on the computer screen, every single person
should be able to contact any other person on earth, in water or a air
in instantaneously in the ratio 40:30:20:10:10. The excluded 20 percent
includes beggars, mentally handicapped, corrupt people and those who are
absolutely remote. The profile will include mind, memory, thought, etc.
which will give detail of a person from 50 per cent to 70 per cent
within 200 parameters. The core of business and life is to get the right
person at right time. An opportunity lost is equal to that much worth of
money lost. In such a case, there has to be a double coincidence of
wants Strangers International will remove the word coincidence and
replace it with incidence It will remove the question of luck and
destiny in its natural course, and make the same question an actual
possibility. The process of business and
other transactions will then be made at a much faster rate Further, when
BBC is able to broadcast hourly news and weather reports with much
expertise all over the world, why not a complete and updated personal
profile databank in this revolutionary age of international technology?
How do you plan to execute this task? Ours is a private company named
Strangers Communication Network Pvt. Ltd. formerly known as Strangers
International. After a joint venture with a multinational company and a
telecommunication company the name is proposed to change to Strangers
International Information and Communication Limited I Mr. Strange
Stranger, the founder director and chief executive, plan to invite the
attention of key personnel of Computers. telecommunication and on-line
companies worldwide In other words, I have the research and aim now,
looking for the resources. Combining both these will be pilot project
which are not existing as of today. The particular attention of Bill
Gates of Microsoft and Robert Allen of AT & This invited. This is my
main purpose of communicating with the press. With regard it 25 years of
research. We wish to bring into effect our purposes through joint
ventures, which will be of mutual benefit and also benefit the world.
What about the Individual’s right to privacy ? Those who don’t want
their identity to be revealed at all, will be included in the list of
‘except exceptions’ There are also certain people who are not inclined
to be contacted by anyone and everyone. But when asked if they would
want to contact other people. They replied in the positive. There will
be included in the ‘passive’ list Those who expect to get contacted by
others will be included in the ‘active’ list The process involves the
presentation of a person’s requirements which will be transferred. In
case a person in the passive list is to be contacted, the system will
act as a mediator and introduce the person concerned to the one in the
passive list. |

MID-DAY - The Complete Family
*Rs. 1.50
Regd. No. MH/BYW 120
VOL XIV - NO. 269 lifeline * Bombay,
Saturday, May 15, 1993 * by NEEMA
"An infoscientist will compile a world database of every person on this
planet. Infoscientist Nawal Kumar Roongta wants to do the impossible"
If I
die now, I shall take birth again and complete my project. I am so
serious and sentimental about it" says Mr. Nawal Kumar Roongta Very soon
you realize that this Infoscientist takes few things lightly. "Nothing
really happens till you are a stranger. If you don’t meet any person in
your life, nothing can take place.’’ Which is why he has hit upon the
idea of Internet Global Index.com & Global Citizens Index.com - an
outfit that ambitiously aims to provide profiles of all 6000 million
people in the world. "The whole thing in life is to get the right person
at the right time. And with about 6,000 million people in the world and
such a short life how can you contact anybody instantly!?’’ was his
dilemma. Inspiration came from an unlikely source. Thirty years back,
when he was watching the Film ‘Anand’, he was much affected by the scene
where Rajesh Khanna befriends a passing stranger calling him by a dummy
name ‘Murarilal’ When Amitabh asks him why he did that, his reply is,
‘Everybody is a transmitter. I reacted to some vibrations emitting from
him. It’s a very grand theory. If you conduct a research on it, you will
win a Oscar or Noble Prize.’’ This dialogue caught Mr. Roongta
fascination and was firmly imprinted on his consciousness. He saw a lot
of potential in the idea and was ‘pregnant’ with if for almost three
decades’’. However, it was a mere greeting card (‘All your friends were
strangers before you met them’’) that acted as a catalyst and he decided
to do something big about it. His concept is an improvement on the
yellow pages which merely provides an address and a contact number, not
individual profiles.
‘Everybody is a unique and distinguished person which may seem to be a
simple matter. But for Mr. Roongta, it is a complete product of
commercial value.’’ The magnitude of the project does not discourage
him. He points to the Encyclopedia Britannica as a successful example.
‘If they can give us detail of all visible & invisible objects in the
universe, why can we not have a databank of all the people in the
world!? Particularly, when everything is affected by individual. He
finds it surprising that while there are compilations of animals,
nature, there have been none of people. So, he plans to fill in this
gap. ‘We shall introduce two
stranger so that they can benefit from each other. Many times people say
that they would never have been where they are had it not been for so
and so.’’ Meeting the right people then becomes important and providing
that missing opportunity is what Internet Global Index.com & Global
Citizens Index.com intends to do. Thus they will have all the details of
a person_ a photograph, signature, brief profile, his ideas, concepts,
philosophies, etc. This will be made available at the press of a button
and also in directory form. ‘Everything seems impossible till it
actually happens." He tries to convince you. Who would have imagined a
test-tube baby two decades ago? Or a fax, or the system of credit cards?
But it all happened. ‘Ten years. Later this too will be a fact." He
plans to complete it in five years. Though not very clear about how he
will manage it, Mr. Roongta plans to rope in multinationals over the
globe. These will sponsor Internet Global Index.com & Global Citizens
Index.com services by offering it free to their consumers. In the
meantime, he is not very sure if he will sell his product outright to a
company or venture into it jointly. Reputed companies have shown
interest in an affiliation, he claims, AT&T, Sprint, Ameritech, MCI
Communications and Prodigy. With the infrastructure of these companies,
communication will hardly remain a hurdle. ‘If we did not have the
necessary equipment, I would say it is impossible but certainly not in
the age of satellite,’’ defends Roongta. He has no mammoth staff to
collect the data. But a simple strategy probably even simplistic.
Application forms will be sent out along with the sponsor company’s
products which will be returned after the consumers have filled it up.
Though he does not rule out the possibility of indifferent consumers, he
is also optimistic about it. There will be two categories of data
available - of ‘active’ and ‘passive’ people. He classifies the former
as those who not only want to avail of the facility but are also willing
to divulge detail about themselves. On the other hand, passive people
would just receive information but not give any. ‘In the research that I
conducted six of 10 said they would not want a stranger to come to their
office or house but would like to use the databank’’ If T N Seshan can
have every voter carry an identification card. This could also be made
possible. None of these, however can happen if you remain a stranger,
says this man with a keen demeanor. |
