Shut up !
Money is not the most
powerful thing
in the World / Life.
Information (words, thoughts, idea)
Communication are the
most powerful and precious things. |
Just a...
'little bit of
Info & communication'
in every step of
our day to day Life,
changes... 'an overall
& result in everyone's Life'. |
The simple & supreme secret of
all achievements, success & growth in Life is...
(*Strangers) from 7.8billion
People, Companies, Organizations,
Governments @ RIGHT TIME
Dark is nothing but the absence of Light;
Death is nothing, but the absence of Life.
All the negatives
actually has no existence.
all actually is the
absence of positives. |
Nothing else is...
powerful and
stronger than an idea.
An idea is the most powerful force to
revolutionize & overall change the Life /Lives /Mankind /World. |
You never don't know or can't ever imagine...
'Who' -that
is... from
the 7.8 billion People..? 'What' --that
is... shape
or kind..?
'When' -that
is... day,
hour, minute,
second or moment..?
& Which' -Country,
City or Place..? 'Why'
& 'How' -because
the culmination
& result of various factors..?
--An 'Opportunity' of your 'Good-Luck' would suddenly knock your door or come
in the way of your Life.!? |
Most of valuable, powerful & beautiful things in Life, Nature,
Earth, World and Universe are: 'Intangible
& Invisible'.
e.g. some
of them are...
Breathe, Confidence, Destiny, Experience, Faith, Fortune, Happiness,
Intelligence, Light, Love, Luck, Memory, Mind, Opportunity, Sex,
Signature on Currency, Soul, Sound, Thought, Time, Trust
and many
more... |
A dream, idea, thought or concept is the...
Soul, Mother & Father of
or invisible;
tangible or intangible;
& around universe. |
Nothing is truly free in Life.
Even the 'Earth' on which we live; or the 'Air' We breathe from
atmosphere; and the
we use from Sun.
out of 100 People would say...
'All these are freely available
@ absolute no cost'.
Infoscientist will prove that...
'All these are
interested to know, you can call me at:
+91-9323757275 (Cell & Whatsapp) |
"DUE" always exists in Life;
in & around the whole
World & Universe; irrespective of whatever
level of achievements, inventions, discoveries, name, fame, goodwill,
status, money, prosperity & success are accomplished !
So, there is no reason
to be arrogant,
egotistic & supercilious.
An example... Yesterday,
(Founded: 1995), was the leader in search engine on
Internet. But, Today, Google,
(Founded: 1998)
is leading as the 1st choice of more & more People. Likewise there are
100s of more example in history. So, this is the lesson that...
can rule out or predict anything for next moment or tomorrow" |
A million, billion or Trillion
dollar$ valuable idea
may come from:
Anyone; Anytime;
Anywhere. |
"All the forces in the world
or anything else alone;
or everything collectively...
are not so powerful that can stop an idea -whose time has come.
invasion of armies can be resisted; But, an invasion of ideas
cannot be resisted" -Victor Hugo |
It is
mistaken to believe that The 'Money' is...
ultimate super power.
It's just a 'tool' to exchange services.
If the Government will distribute money to the People in ample &
@ free;
then no value of
will be left out ! |
we get up in the morning... "What we do..?" We do activities; We
communicate with people by speaking words.
Just think for a while... The Life & World without words, speaking,
information, communication..? Then, The life will be left behind not
more than a statue or mountain ! That's why, I always say that...
& communication" are the most precious things ! |
Every Person in this world is always surrounded with 1
Emergency; and Top 3 to 5 Top Priorities.
We seriously feel and consider every such situation is, as if... "A
Patient is in critical condition; S/he should be immediately
admitted into Intensive Care Unit -and
S/he needs an immediate attention & medical assistance delivered to
him/her at right time before this is too late, or else
if the medicines, medical support and doctor's help is not provided to
that Patient at right time, S/he will die.
With this example above, I wish to say that...
An emergency and Top 5 priorities of day to day Life of every person
must be fulfilled and delivered at right time or in well advance.
is to play the master role in this exercise
and the whole
process. |
When we talk about source of information; We
then, generally talking about 'Yellow Pages';
'Directories' or 'Encyclopedias'; available in print, CD or on Internet.
Infoscientist wants to
surprise you !
Be prepared to get shocked !
As you know, 'Yellow Pages'; 'Directory', 'Encyclopedia can
not speak live.
Isn't it.!?
Now, We have 7.8 billion People.
Every person has their exclusive and
unique 'storage' & 'stock' of live memory in their head. Every
such 'memory hard disk' of all 7.8 billion People is consisting of 'Unique
Yellow Pages/ White Pages/ Directory/ Encyclopedia comprising of millions or billions
live files
& folders 'that is made of Text, Pictures, Audio, Video,
Smell, Colors etc.
Now, just imagine, won't
you be excited to experience,
This entire unique storage of all
7 billion People live
memory is inter-connected-&-networked together into a single network!?
And that network is available online; reachable & usable anytime,
anywhere by all 7.8 billion People !
Just imagine for a moment about "thundering
power of 7.8 billion People's such collective unique storage & stock of live memory.!?
Y-e-s, 't-h-i-s
i-s p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e'. |

Every person has got a unique & distinguished character; nature &
identity. No person in the world can think and act in exactly the same
manner like any other.
For instance..."In all the history of the
world there was never anyone exactly same like ‘You’; and...
in all the infinity of time to come, there will never be any other
exactly same like you.'
(For example : Now 'You' &
Infoscientist is here
to make this uniqueness a product & service
and a
opportunity tool. |
every person an 'Unique' &
'Distinguished' and...
Being every person a ‘Stranger’ these
2 things are not more than a 'simple matter’ for any one!
These two ‘simple
factors’ of 7 billion
People are the basic ingredients & raw material of services
presented by
Yes. Here
is the answer...
‘Meeting of two Strangers at
first, generally seems nothing more than a ‘simple
matter’ or 'an ordinary event'.
But, for Infoscientist these
2 simple factors are
a matter of great
research; and converting these into a real product or service of a
monetary value.
Yes. Here
is the answer...
Simply, please divide the age of earth or universe (that is...around
15 billion years) in to the world’s
population (that is... apx.
7000 million People) Now, just imagine ‘that average figure’ comes to...?? e.g.oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
...and so on... many-many, such
Zerooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...(s) ended
by 1.
<> ('Mr.
is to materialize things
@ 'right time' @ 'right place' and with the 'right People' through its
various services for every
stranger pair of 7 billion People
A' &
'Mr. C') based on ‘that most minute
average figure /situation mentioned above. |

"An invisible thought converted into a tangible product of billion
Most of ‘Precious things’ in
Life & world
invisible & incomplete ...and
The value of all such things results into a big & total difference,
when it is converted into a real tangible product.
For instance : ‘A
bearer Cheque of 1 million dollar is
merely a piece of paper before the moment it is signed by its account
to play an introducing role
in your Life and Business in accordance to the above thought, acting
either as a ‘Cheque’ and/or ‘signature’ and/or ‘both’. |
* Some
of the Top Most precious things in our Life and in this universe
are :- |
Mind |
Memory |
Thought |
Opportunity |
Breath |
Soul |
Air |
Time |
Luck |
Destiny |
Trust |
Faith |
Confidence |
Love |
Happiness |
Light |
Sound |
Intelligence |
Experience |
Fortune |
Signature on Currency |
Signature on Cheque |
...and many many other such things &
objects |
The Foundation... The
Birth... ... The Beginning... ... ...
Who? What? When? Where? Why? & How?
We all live under the same sky. But, only a few see different
horizons. Apple have been falling to the ground ever since they started
growing on trees. But it took Isaac Newton to see the laws of gravity
unfold with the falling fruit. In every age there are minds like this.
Minds that perceive more than what the eyes sees. Brains that believe
that knowledge is only limited by the imagination. |
Believe on Infoscientist's Belief...
Some time long ago, once, Orville & Wilbur Wright Brothers along
with 1 of their friend was walking through by sea side.
By looking on a group of birds flying in the sky... Orville Wright suddenly
uttered an idea:-
birds can glide in the sky for long period of time, then… why can't we
Big & Blunt
there is an 'Encyclopedia Britannica' & 'wikipedia' giving us the brief
description about the origin & development of every visible and
invisible object in this universe; then,
why not...
"A complete Businesses & Personal Profile World Database of every
Person and every single Business organization currently NOT available on
Internet !?" |
Big & Blunt
When it is possible for BBC to broadcast 24 hours 'world news bulletin'
& 'world weather report'...
"Why a complete and updated personal Profiles & Business Database of
every individual Person is not possible.!?" |
Big & Blunt
Why it is that...
There is
‘Who is Who’ only
of celebrities, distinguished personalities and political leaders..? Whereas,
it should also be made for everyone..!
"Because, every person is unique". |
Big & Blunt
Why is it necessary that..
Thoughts & views of only celebrities
and distinguished personalities are
recorded & published..? whereas,
it should also be recorded, published & available of everyone..! |
Big & Blunt
When it is possible for Google Earth to make online available every nook
& corner of earth;
Why it is not desirable & possible to have database of 7
bn. People available & networked on Internet in shortest time !? |
Core Concept & Idea -
"Not only you and your Parents; but, all your Relatives & Friends were 'Strangers'...When, they
were first-of-all introduced by someone or before
‘that moment’ -when they 1st personally met each-other" (For
instance : Now 'You' &
or else, the
above quote also could be explained this way :
"You and all your Relatives & Friends were 'Strangers' before they 1st
met each-other". |
Core Concept & Idea -
we look around us and enjoy man-made things in our day to day Life &
Business today; everything & all of them were conceived & born by
someone’s thought or idea
someday. |
Core Concept & Idea -
Every single person in this world; and every
visible or invisible object in and around universe, is.'unique',
'useful' and
of a '1
unit value'. |
Core Concept & Idea -
No one in this world has monopoly of 'Idea' or 'Information'.
"An excellent, unique & billion dollar$ worthwhile brilliant
idea may inspire
from 'Anything'; or may
come from 'Anyone', from

The earth on which we 7.6 billion People live is... 6,378 kilometers
long. So we all are scattered geographically.
One fact should be importantly noted that We don't meet all 7 billion
People in 1 Life. We meet only very few or a maximum of thousands of People with whom
we interact in our day to day Life.
---We all have Emergency, Top Priorities & Various needs & Requirements.
All these are mostly fulfilled & delivered by other People.
---Sometimes, these needs are fulfilled with the People -who are closely
around & connected with us.
---But, most of the time, delivery of said Emergency, Top Priorities &
Various needs & Requirements are tangled with the other People
(strangers) -Who are out of reach & totally disconnected with us and located far
away at any part of the world.
Infoscientist wish to
pin point and urge to find answers & solutions @ lightning speed !!!
Primarily & Usually, Life depends on chances and
uncertainties. Or moreover depends on several Info Tools & Resources
e.g. Internet, Phone, Search Engine, Whatsapp, Social media,
Television, Radio, Newspapers etc. etc. But, we believe that all these
tools & resources currently available are not good enough & adequate to
fulfill the needs not more than 22%
Infoscientist is here to turn these uncertain chances
to happen in to realities @ right time; @ right place; with right
People or group of People @ lightning speed. And so thus, TURN & GROW the current situation at
least by 25% more better.
Most Important Note: To
elaborate on rest part of this context with more deep & detailed
explanation is not in capacity to put all that in text here. It can only
be explained 50% over phone or 100% through a live presentation by
Infoscientist. |
There are 2 things.
Either an opportunity don't EXIST between any 2 Persons.
Or else if
there is an opportunity hidden between any 2 Strangers
from 7 billion People, irrespective of difference in their financial
status & geographical location;
then it should must take place &
materialize and converted in to reality @ right time @
right place @
lightning speed. |
there is some information* (*except
privacy & personal) required-to-be-communicated & delivered to any one
or all 7 billion People, then it should must be delivered at quickest
possible before its expiry" |
is truly 100% free
even Air or Sunlight. How & why?
You need to call to know interesting answer at
+91-9323757275 |
Millions & Billions 'Live
are available 24x7 online worldwide
to introduce and connect
Stranger Pair of 7.6 billion People to
each-other and deliver them solutions
of their
1> Emergency; 1> Top Priority; 1> Dream & Ambition; and other needs of
their Life, Career & Business. |
No one can ever or never imagine the 'untold content' that I have in
mind. I
foresee & visualizing a live video*
in universe size* that
By default, there is... 'An
invisible universal video camera is always rolling & active in Everyone's Life
/ Mind that captures slightest
bit of everything we think, feel & act every moment. And, therefore; all
the forthcoming happenings which are taking place in our Life; in fact,
are the result of 'exactly what it was already captured & recorded. So,
we should be always very very careful to take intelligent attempts,
good actions and wise decisions in Life. |
Any little or big information that is required by:- 'Anyone';
'Any Time'; 'Any where'; should must be delivered at soonest possible before its expiry/ actual need. May it be 'that information is lying in
someone's head / mind / memory or anywhere in the world'.
('Sorry'; 'Wait... Wait... Wait...'Saying this... I really not
intending or meant to compromising one's privacy & secrets. |
The simple & supreme secret of
success & growth in Life is...
PERSONS* (*Strangers) from 7 billion People and Companies,
Organizations, Shops, Governments @ RIGHT TIME @ RIGHT PLACE @
lightning speed
through a social platform
If 7.6 billion world population for example is considered 100 then its
pair are actually NOT 50.
It is 4950 pair. Now, this required to multiply 4950 in to
100th part of 7 billion... that is what so big amount of pairs comes
to which can only be imagined. |
1st & foremost... Respect & Believe in Creator - 'The
Supreme Being'. Its not necessary or does not matter whom you believe in...
Vishnu, Krishna or Christ. Those who have difficulty to believe in such
Lord, one can believe in SUN who gives Light @ no obligation free of
cost or the AIR we breathe. |
Life is the most
beautiful & precious thing
in universe. |
Infoscientist foresee that...
Loss of 1 million dollar$ is occurring
every second
to 7.8 billion People in spite of all information &
communication tools & resources currently available. |
Thank you !
See also...
Overview & summary in 18
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